Monday, January 7, 2013

Relationship Disinegrating? Part 2

      Now even though communicating and trust are the huge fundamentals of being in an everlasting relationship, this would’ve been the prime of all things to leave to a happy ending, and i myself wouldn’t have to acquire a part two...But not in this present day. The main thing that ruins all of this in the worst way possible is the social media of technology.

       This is the truth, "the shit storm that will end all relationships" reason for this to happen is to blame on both sex. Think about it girls don’t carry diaries anymore to convey their life story of a boy crush in middle school and they don’t talk on the phone as much with their girlfriends. With cell phones and computers, keeping a secret is like wondering what sauce McDonalds use in the Big Mac...yeah Thousand Island dressing. It’s becoming a dying norm of personal information for oneself. Hacking is always a primitive to ruining a person’s life. Even when your other half can also look up your past and trying to bring it up to the present, that’s wrong. But if you read part one of this you know this wouldn’t have happened.

      Now why is this part of disintegrating you say? With having facebook and twitter and any social media based technology will become the downfall of the relationship.

     One thing that’s well known is when talking with the opposite sex. Let’s be honest here unless you have a gay friend of the opposite sex okay, but if you are in a relationship with someone you love and trust but yet talking with other guys constantly or more than your other half, then that’s a problem. In all honestly I myself do not do this, I don’t intend to because really I found the love of my life, my best friend. I don’t need 2309482394 girls to talk to when really my girl is cooler than you...yes i used that line. seriously guys knock it off, enjoy the relationship you have now because once she finds your messages and such and how you react to girls; bye bye to you "bro" ugh such a retarded word. Don’t think the girls get away from this either, they do the same thing too without knowing that we men in honestly do get annoyed by it. You’re in a relationship now as well quit adding a billion guys that you’ve seen for a day or never and just drop the phone and enjoy each other’s company. In the end don’t message endlessly with the opposite sex or even try to hang out one on one, what gives you the right too? Explain this to me.

     Secondly I know both genders do this; I’ve seen it then and now. Holding on to their ex's, past flirts numbers and having them on facebook etc. Like....really? I shouldn’t have to explain this. You’re here to start anew with someone, do you really think holding on to the past from someone that’s hurt and broke your heart before gains anything for your new relationship? Come on delete it and don’t memorize it that’s just sad to. When deleting your hurtful past you will gain a stronger future. I don’t see those hurtful people keeping tabs on you when they’ve moved on.

     Last but mostly the least; Lying about information that is shown in the social media for everyone to see. Never judge your loved one of their past because you weren’t part of it and if they’ve changed from it and you’ve communicated it’s just a better ending. No one is perfect I agree on this but if they find something and you lie about it? How does that make them feel? Distant.

     These situations have ruined many relationships from what I’ve noticed for a very long time and they tend to hate each other afterwards. People these days only argue through text, via Aim or Facebook Messenger when they can just talk on the phone or meet in person to settle it all. Why risks hiding anything from your other half if you want your relationship to get pass all the bumpy roads? Or perhaps towards something stronger like marriage?

     For whom ever reads this please take it to heart and appreciate what you have and what your other half can give you, if this person is a complete douche then obviously talk it out or break up. But if this is the person you’ve been waiting all your life and it’s just beyond what you dreamt of them to be then don’t hold anything back, they’re a keeper for life.

 "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendhip can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone" - Orson Welles

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